The Wisdom of Fruit - Autumn Honey Figs

✨"Thoughts come and go. Feelings come and go. Find out what it is that remains." Ramana Maharshi.✨Let's try and connect to our true nature and express our infinite potential to serve our community instead of acting from the limited perspective of personhood.🍂 Autumn Honey Fig: A similar variety to the well known Brown Turkey, these lesser known figs have a much thinner skin and are somewhat sweeter. Figs are a powerhouse.. They are said to be one of the oldest fruits dating back to biblical times and were one of the first cultivated fruits. The fig is actually an infructescence, (inverted flower)🌷. A fig trees roots grow super deep, the deepest recorded roots have reached depths of 400 feet, so don't worry about top soil degradation when it comes to certain fruits.

Figs have such a long list of health benefits: here are just a few...

Weight loss.

Sexual dysfunction.

Strengthen bones.

Help treat colon cancer.

Lowers cholesterol.

High in fibre, magnesium, manganese, sodium, B6, K, A, B1, B2, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Promoting bone density and helping lower blood pressure.

🍂Fruits have the power to assist the body back to homeostasis, a state where it can heal and regenerate. May we all find our truth 🙏.