The Wisdom of Fruit - Palmer Mango
✨"Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel." Rhonda Byrne✨'Your' feelings are not your feelings and they're not set in stone, they can change and you can change them...except and go beyond...what a blessing to know this!! 🌿🌻Palmer Mango originally from South Florida. Gently sweet, with slight acidic tones, lots of super juicy juice. I've been using only 2 in my evening salad dressings and they work a treat 👍🌱
- High in copper.
- Helps alkalise the body.
- Improves digestion.
- Good for sex drive 😁.
- ⚡️When I'm lost in thought, fear is here, when I'm present in my body love is here⚡️❤️