The Wisdom of Fruit - Morocan Mandarin
✨"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?." Rumi✨ The mind has the capacity to assist us in growth, expansion and fulfilment but it also has the capacity to imprison us in many neurotic ways, it's up to us to tame the mind, teach it to dance like the rain and train it to play an honest game🙏🏽. Morocan Mandarin: native to South-East Asia, Malay and the Philippines and now grown throughout Europe, Africa, Canada and the U.S. They belong to the family of Rutaceae and along with this one there are hundreds of varieties. This one is super sweet with tangy undertones. I've been juicing them every morning for the past week and I can't tell you how much I look forward to that sweet embrace, they literally have the capacity to change your perception on life😍🍊. Used in China as a symbol of abundance of happiness and prosperity🌻. The peel contains and essential oil which is often used in perfume and skin care.🌳🌼
- Benefits; •Helps reduce blood pressure •Boost immune system •Use as a face mask for skin health •Promotes weight loss •Helps lower cholesterol.
- ⚡️Oh monkey mind I feel it's time that you were on my side, we've come so far through fire and tide but now you will abide, there may be rules but we're not fools so let's work as one I say, cos in the end we are just friends and may go our separate ways, but listen for now my love I pray, that together we bow our head each day⚡️🌅.