The Wisdom of Fruit - Lime

✨"Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed...I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." William Ernest Henley✨Be the captain of your soul, steer your life towards happiness and fulfilment. Choose your destination and enjoy the adventure towards your goals 💚🙏🏽. Lime: Originally from Asia and grown thought the world in both tropical and sub-tropical climates. "Limey" the name given to the British Navy for they used limes daily to prevent scurvy out at sea.

  • Benefits: •Both peel and juice contain antioxidants •Good for heart •Kafir limes good for E.coli •Known to kill the cholera bacteria •Reduced severity of sickle cell crises •packed with vitamins & minerals 👍🏽.
  • Don't delay, add a squeeze of lime today, it goes a long long way!! 🌿
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