The Wisdom of Fruit - Monthong Durian
✨"To know yourself as the Being underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment." Elkhart Tolle✨We are awareness itself, no-thing other than that "I am", may all beings know this and be free of suffering!! 🍀Durian "King of Fruits" This is the Monthong variety from Thailand. A rich and creamy, sweet yet complex fruit with many different flavours and nuances.
- This magical fruit has so many health benefits: B6 helps the production of serotonin- good for people suffering with depression.
- Manganese helps regulate blood sugar.
- Potassium regulates blood pressure.
- Anti-aging properties.
- Treats sexual dysfunction and much more!!
- ⚡️There is but ONE truth - you are that⚡️🙏.