✨"When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation." Ramana Maharishi✨Life can be one big meditation, if we stay quiet and don't follow each and every thought.🌅 White (blond) Grapefruit: Discovered in Barbados in 18th century and now known as one of the "Seven Wonders of Barbados". This Citrus Paradisi is literally like eating paradise🌴. Also known as the "forbidden fruit", the White flesh was considered to be the "inferior" of the many varieties (I don't agree, they're all unique). This juicy, tart and tangy yet sweet fruits are available all year round but are in season and at their best from winter to early spring 👍🏽. I've been juicing mine with fresh ginger and turmeric 👊🏾.

  • Benefits: •Lowers cholesterol. •High antioxidant. •Good for asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. •Helps prevent kidney stones. •Helps repair DNA!!
  • Yet another perfect food for humans.
  • May there be peace, love and light to all. 🙏🏽💛🌼🌻.