Prickly Pear

✨"If you can't protect what you love, then you shouldn't love at all." Unknown✨Sometimes we have to protect and stand up for the things we love. Not in an aggressive way but with an attitude of devotion and faith. With a sense of courage and commitment to defend the weak and uphold that sacred beauty.🌵. Opuntia Ficus-Indica / Prickly Pear / Fichi d'India. This unique fruit is native to Mexico but now grows in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world. I have a very strong connection to this fruit as it was probably the first fruit I ever ate as a young boy living in the Sicilian countryside with my family👪🌅🌋. I remember my mum telling me how I'd obsessively call for more...d'inda d'inda d'inda!!👶🏽. I was totally hooked to this fruit and kind of still am when I can get my hands on them. It may have even be safe to say they helped shape who I am today...on a cellular level, the very DNA could of contributed to my development, who knows, all I know is I LOVE THEM!!🌞

  • Benefits: Obviously a super-duper of super foods with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties. The colourful flowers slowly turn into this egg shaped, multi-seeded, sweet fruit delight 😛🌵🌺🌼🍐🍈.
  • In Mexican folk medicine they use the pulp to heal wounds, stomach swelling, digestive problems and unitary tract infections.
  • Good remedy for hangovers. Also the plant sap can be used as hair conditioner. In fact the whole plant has healing properties👍.
  • High in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus along with plenty other minerals and vitamins.
  • They come in numerous colours but mostly on the warmer spectrum. Check out the vibrancy of these exquisite fruits made with pure love, protected by love and eaten with love❤️.
  • May the thorns of your skin be only a temporary deterrent to protect the very thing you love.