✨"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free" Michelangelo✨May we keep carving away until our angels are set free...the potential is within us all, we just need to trust our very core.🙏🏽 Papaya or PawPaw - Named as the "fruit of the angles" by Christopher Columbus. Native to Central America and now commercially grown in Hawaii. This sweet, butter-like super fruit is a heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory and cancer preventing wonder.
- High in both vitamins and minerals.
- One Papaya contains three times more vitamin C than the daily recommendation 👍🏾.
- The seeds are also good as an antibacterial and anti-viral and can be used as a substitute for black pepper.
- Contains papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins, similar to bromelain which aids sports injuries, trauma and allergies.
- Colour orange: radiates warmth and happiness, combining physical energy of red and cheerfulness of yellow.
- Assists in recovery from grief and relates to our Sacral Chakra; vitality and strength, guy feelings and wisdom.
- Buddhists call this "hara", the centre of being through which we connect with the deepest voice of the self, the deepest stillness and wisdom.🙏🏽.
- Papaya is literally sent down by the Angels above for us to utilise 😇👼🏾👰🏾🌴.
- Thank you Angels for continually guiding us to the core of our being and showing us the way to true freedom💛