The Wisdom of Fruit - Martha's Best Strawberry Papaya
✨"Be here, be now, be still, allow, be "a rock with ears", be "a tree with loving arms", be "the all seeing eye that can not judge", become no-thing, be everything, be-cause you are the missing piece of the puzzle".⚡️Martha's Best (@marthasbest) Strawberry Papaya: Native to tropical America. These are a NON-GMO dwarf variety grown in Jamaica and Hawaii. By far the sweetest, juiciest papayas I've ever eaten. Couldn't get enough at the Woodstock Fruit Fest in Hawaii 😋🌴.
- Another superfruit, rich in nutrients antioxidants, vitamins and enzymes that promote healing and regeneration in the body. Good for skin, digestion, eyes and heart health ❤️.
- ⚡️Dear you within you; remember you are immaculate, infinite, unbound awareness, words can't describe the joy and beauty that you are...may we pull the veil of distraction caused by the mind and live fully in the freedom of its eternal and you, we are one☝🏾...I LOVE YOU!!⚡️💚❤️💛🍅🥑🍉🥒