Kesar Mango

✨"Meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree. It completely changes your brain and therefore changes what you are." - Matthieu Richard✨ Food is not just fuel, it completely changes what you are physically, you become the very thing you eat. The Mango tree played a sacred role in India; it is a symbol of love and some believe that the Mango tree can grant wishes.

  • One Mango can provide approximately 100% of your daily vitamins C, 35% vitamin A and 12% of daily fibre.
  • Rich in pre-biotic dietary fibre aiding digestion.
  • Good for children who lack concentration; the Glutamine acid helps boost memory and keep cells active.
  • Svadhishthana: "one's own base": sacral chakra
  • Colour Orange; located at the pelvic area, Orange is the area of our gut feelings and wisdom. Orange energy is sensual but nurturing. Find your bliss!!