✨"I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm vegan." Peter Dinklage✨ About 70% of USA call themselves "animal lovers" yet only 0.5% are vegan...that says it all, it's also known as speciesism, "the idea that being human is a good enough reason for us to have greater moral rights than non-human animals" ludicrous!! 💚Atemoya: A heart-shaped hybrid of Cherimoya and Sugar Apple, native to the American tropics. There are around 17 known varieties of Atemoya. A sweet and juicy, smooth snowy-white textured flesh. Fragrant taste with hints of vanilla, pineapple and banana. A 5 year old tree can produce around 50 fruits each year🌳👍🏽.
- Benefits: •full of minerals •high in folate, helps to produce red blood cells. •good for pregnant women •reduces risk of neural tube defects, spins bifida and anencephaly during foetal development🌅💚🍐🌳.
- ⚡️Banana Rama, to be or not to be, tangerine dream, I hear you're the queen, give us the power to be free, for in this moment there's nothing to be, feel the body, come out of the mind, what do you hear you're mine you're mine⚡️