The Wisdom of Fruit - Blush Pears
✨"You are capable of amazing things"✨We are part of nature, therefore we are nature itself, made from the same energy that creates worlds, and endless universes, to remember that power is to be in alignment with it 🙏. 🍐Blush pears: Originally from temperate China. It is the fifth most widely produced fruit in the world. Over 3000 known varieties are grown worldwide. In Greek mythology pears are sacred to three goddesses; Hera, Aphrodite, Pomona. The Chinese believed the pear was a symbol of immortality as the tree can live for many years.
Health benefits:
- Weight loss.
- Antioxidant.
- Boosts immunity.
- Improve heart health.
- improve circulation.
- And on and on and on...for days!!
- ⚡️Know your strength, move like a saintly warrior, feel the grace, create wonder, love the journey⚡️