The Wisdom of Fruit - Heirloom/Heritage Beef Tomato

"The world as we know it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking" Albert EinsteinWhat we think about most is what we ultimately manifest, the law of attraction reminds us that we can literally think things into being, so we must be mindful of what we think. Heirloom/Heritage Beef Tomato : These non-hybrid tomatoes are native to Mexico and Central America and are some of the best I've ever tasted, they are less acidic than the conventional varieties, in fact these were edging towards a more juicy sweetness flavour.️ These were grown here in the uk by organic farmers.

  • Health benefits:
  • High in vitamin C - nourish adrenals, reduce stress.
  • Lycopene can protect against various cancers.
  • Good source of vitamin K - good for strong bones.
  • More and more and more all about it!!!
  • ⚡️Let us use the mind to go beyond the mind and access realms of joy, peace and everlasting happiness⚡️