Latest fruit hauls, sun-kissed garden fruit and dinner bowls...

Check out my latest fruit hauls, we are so lucky in the UK, we import the most amount of fruit than anywhere else in the world. I know it's not ideal to be shipping food all over the place but I also try and support local organic farms where possible, so I feel like i'm doing my bit. But going vegan helps reduce your carbon footprint more than any other thing you can do,  so that's good!! Cherimoyas and persimmons are currently in season in spain and they are tasting so gooooood!! I also managed to find some super sweet seeded grapes from Sicily, oh they are divine whooop!!  

My fig tree decided to give 3 figs this year and I was so stoked, they actually tasted like wild organic fig jam..amazing, I hope she gives me more next year, I'll treat her well.

Also, my dad bought me an antique plate and I love it, it's the perfect size for salads. Also next year is the year of the cock in the Chinese calendar so it's rather fitting :-). 

 Much love to all!! 

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