Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes
✨"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." Dalai Lama✨Religion = Re-legion / Re-unite - to create union through a system of devotion and worship. To reconnect to GOD or the realisation of the supreme-self through whatever means possible🌅🍅. Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes; originate from The Andes and have been cultivated since the 1800's. They come in many colours including green, yellow, orange, pink, black, brown, white, purple and red of course. Over 7500 varieties grown across the globe. Myth tells us that Europeans originally considered tomatoes as poisonous and if you ate one your blood would turn to acid😝 lucky that's not true.
- Benefits; high in lycopene an antioxidant (which the body cannot produce) that may decrease the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
- High in B-6 which helps you body metabolize protein and supports cognitive development and brain function.
- They help in producing red blood cells and immune function.
- They also taste like candy 😋👌🏽🍅🍬.
- It's divine how sublime you are to me, immaculately created by love with love, so with this love I've learnt to see, the truth behind why you're here with me.
- May we unite with each other and realise there is no other, other than the self within you and me, with which we are one!!🙏🏽🌅✨