Custard Apple

✨"Your own self-realisation is the greatest service you can render the world." Shri Ramana Maharishi✨When we act from a place of self-knowledge, we bring only peace and joy to all we encounter. I want to know that self, I want to experience that truth, may my mind be still so I may feel my true nature🙏🏽. Custard Apple / Chirimoya, also known as the "lost fruit of the incas"/ "the tree of ice cream". Native to the slopes and hills of Ecuador and Peru. Chirimoya comes from the Incan word "Chirimuya" which means "cold seed" as they germinate at altitudes up to 6,000 feet. A creamy consistency, a mix of banana, vanilla, mango and strawberry.😋👌🏽.

  • Benefits; boosts immunity, anti-inflammatory, brain health, prevents cancers, also a great source of minerals👍🏽🌳.
  • This is truly a magical fruit worthy of more love, praise and attention.
  • And though at times I may feel lost, I know deep down the self can't ever loose itself🍏🌼💚🍃.
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