
✨"The quieter you become, the more you can hear." Ram Dass✨ The monkey mind often becomes so loud that you can hardly hear yourself think, radically paradoxical!! I'd rather be here and now for NOW is the only time there is 😁. Sicilian Carob pod: Native to the Mediterranean, probably the Middle East. These were foraged straight from Sicily. Cultivated for over 4000 years and used as food by the Egyptians who named it the Egyptian fig. A super versatile food often used as an alternative to Cacao to make 'healthy chocolate'..

  • Health benefits: contains Gallic acid that works as an analgesic, anti-allergic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and antiseptic...phew!!
  • Good for coughs and diarrhoea.
  • Unlike Cacao, Carob contains no caffeine, no theobromine and no oxalic acid which all compromise the bodies functions 💪🏾👍🏽.❤️
  • ⚡️Lonely heart separated at birth, only she knows your true worth, sent from above to show us the way, oh how I pray we listen to her one day.⚡️
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